Kamis, 11 Maret 2021



BeatBidder Talent Auction

Every night has the potential to be a Friday night for venues on BeatBind.

On our platform venues will be able to access a global pool of artists and fill their entire calendar with profitable performances. In addition, BeatBind will allow venues to bid on well-known DJs in open auctions, increasing the DJ's fees and fully capitalizing on the demand for them, while also benefiting venues that otherwise wouldn't be able to reach them.


Imagine you're a venue owner. You want to hire a DJ for a Friday night performance at your club, so you open BeatBind and search for a local DJs available for that date. You see a prominent performer featured in the first result - he matches all your needs, from the music genre, experience and popularity to reliability as determined by his track record. You see there's already a bidding war for his performance on that date, several clubs already trying to hire him on the same Friday night. The current price for him is $10,000 - but seeing that BeatBind prediction engine estimates a revenue of $30,000 in liquor sales for your club if he performs there, you feel comfortable placing a $20,000 bid on him. Soon after, you find out you've won! You then proceed to make arrangements with the DJ for his performance, knowing you've both found the right fit.


BeatBind helps you estimate whether bidding on a DJ will bring you enough extra money from alcohol and ticket sales to justify hiring him. Also, if your venue can't cover the costs of the performance at that particular moment - BeatBind has a solution. You can use the power of your local fanbase to crowdfund events at no initial cost - but more on both of that later.


Here's all the added value BeatBind provided in the above example to you as the venue owner:

You are able to reach that DJ without knowing him, as compared to only his friends and colleagues being able to give him offers • You knew the DJ was available for hire at the exact period when you needed him • You were able to verify the DJs experience, talent, or fit for your club all on his profile • You used our estimation of alcohol sales and other metrics for that specific DJ to justify placing your offer, ultimately bringing you revenue


Now imagine you're the DJ in question. This is what BeatBind brings to your side as the performer:

You chose from a range of offers leaving you with an superior gig fit in an exciting location, and your fee skyrocketed because of the bidding • Both you (the DJ) and the venue have a way to appeal if someone gets mistreated or breaks the agreement. BeatBind offers a tight reputation system to prevent problems and a binding legal or insurance framework to settle them • After the performance in question, you as a DJ will be able to showcase it on your BeatBind profile

Rising Artists

Most of artists are not well-known and have difficulties promoting their talent. Put yourself in the shoes of a young artist. To get experience, you have to perform. But in order to perform, you need experience. It's the terrifying Catch-22 of breaking through, not just in the music events industry, but in the job market in general. The paradox leaves the inexperienced, be they future stars or not, at an extreme disadvantage. Ironically enough, the lack of opportunities isn't because their skills aren't needed. The world needs new DJs, singers, and bands now more than ever, as there are more eligible venues to perform at than ever. So what's the problem then? Lack of connections. Without access to a global (or any) network of venues and artists, there is no constant channel where both parties can find a way to cooperate.

BeatBind aims to provide that channel. Just like venue searched for a DJ they needed to hire, so will musicians be able to search for compatible venues, and apply to perform there.

If there are multiple artists wanting to perform at a venue, the process will transform into a closed auction. The artists will submit their rates and offers to a venue, and venues will choose the winner, whether based on finances (to help themselves save costs) or any other parameter. Rising artists need to get heard, and venues need to fill their calendars. A market of this structure all but guarantees to find a valuable fit for everybody.

The Catch-22 of the job market has a good side as well. Once a musician gets the ball rolling, gig by gig, everything will be easier, until at some point finding a job becomes effortless. All it takes is perseverance at the beginning, and an initial push. And that starting push is exactly what BeatBind will give to the next generation of performing artists.


Seamless Ticketing

Ticket scalpers and forgers may earn as much as as artists and promoters that create the event. BeatBind introduces BeatBuy, a system to fight this harsh reality, in a way that neither artists nor venues ever again have to worry about it. The answer is removing the barriers between fans and organizers: ticketing is a default addition to every event created on our Platform. This means that fans will purchase the tickets directly from the source, and the money go to artists themselves, along with everyone else who has participated in making the experience happen. This will incur no upfront cost for the organizers. Scalping and forging are infeasible in this model. Additionally, BeatBuy will allow selling prime seat tickets. A premium ticket can be auctioned off to fans - courtesy of our fast and flexible BeatBidder Engine. Aside from being an all-in-one solution, the system will be flexible enough to support all types of events, from private parties (simple friendly invitations) to concerts with complex logistics and multi-tier ticketing.


Use Of Proceeds

The utility token of the BeatBind ecosystem. The ultimate vision of BBND is to be a universal medium of exchange for the music events industry. Ethereum blockchain provides all the privacy, security and decentralization that such a token deserves. BBND will be traded on public exchanges, but BeatBind platform users are protected from the price volatility during everyday use. The full list of BBND use cases is described in the whitepaper.

Pre IEO - Start - Jan 15, 2021

Pre-Sale Discount - 40% to the IEO launch price of 0.05 USD

Pre IEO - End - March 15, 2021

Pre - IEO Price - 0.03 USD

Available Supply - 1 Billion BBND utility tokens
Acceptable currencies - ETH, BTC, LTC, USDT, BSV



Bosko Gasic - Founder/CEO
Dale Baeten - Co-Founder/COO
Akash Syed - Chief Technology Officer
Doc Ish - Chief Innovation Officer
Ivica Panic - Chief Marketing Officer
Goran Beko - Chief Design Officer

William Scott Boatman - Legal & Business Advisor
Daryl Naidoo - IEO & Blockchain Advisor
Nebojsa Sataric - Business Development Advisor

Tapendra Shee - Blockchain Architect
Rasel Mahmud - UI/UX Developer
Andrey Romanov - Coin Offering Specialist
Glennbert Ferrer - Community manager
Uros Jovanovic - Copywriter
Elza Hovhannisyan - Junior Marketing Specialist












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