Jumat, 26 November 2021



Sharing is a fundamental human encounter, and the developing web-based media stages have opened uncommon roads for accomplishing this experience. Today, content makers can create for all intents and purposes everything from bulletins on Twitter to short-shape and long-structure recordings on YouTube, supported posts on Instagram, to viral dance continues on TikTok. The fast development of information on these stages has changed how clients track down accomplices, access news, and sort out to request political change. Outstanding development and tremendous reception in the mid 2000s saw web-based media networks uncover promoting and deals as their essential income model.

Customary web-based media networks have the right fixings needed to get a vigorous installment stage. Other than an immense client base that continues to increment dramatically, web-based media organizations can arrive at different topographical districts. They likewise have a recognizable (UI), and client experience (UX) highlights that can prod mass reception. Nonetheless, in spite of these fixings, cash move is a test due to the accompanying reasons :
• High commissions
• Security can be compromised
• Opacity
• Lack of standardization mechanisms
• Unilateral and obligatory standards forced by socialmedia organizations


Why Choose Mulierum?
High commissions passed down to content makers and merchants make conventional installment networks insufficient in tending to the business’ problem areas. Makers and merchants come up short on the dealing ability to arrange impartial payout terms in light of the fact that the installment stages have a restraining infrastructure. Likewise, the absence of normalization components across installment stages can contrarily affect functionalities, for example, information moves. This can make these stages dishonest for content makers and merchants to communicate fundamental information close by exchanges.

We are divulging Mulierum against this foundation. Under Mulierum, the entire area will acquire four priceless highlights: low exchange expenses, secure exchanges, improved straightforwardness, and a brought together payout framework. Dissimilar to regular installment frameworks that are solid, Mulierum is decentralized and driven by a worldwide, open-source local area. Mulierum will help web-based media stages process installments speedily by means of a Blockchainenabled innovation that doesn’t surrender control to an outsider.


Mulierum is a layer two Ethereum stage, a Blockchain-based processing framework that executes brilliant agreements. Utilizing Ethereum as Mulierum’s theoretical primary layer, we will carry out all the cash move includes on Mulierum straightforwardly through shrewd agreements sent and handled by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).


Diva Tokken Making Easier Financial Payments
In the end, online media clients will be paid by low-commission web-based media firms wherever on the planet. The Mulierum Ecosystem will permit clients and online media destinations to get to their assets without confounding commissions and methods. In light of Mulierum’s most recent age BlockChain innovation, DIVA guarantees web-based media organizations and purchasers an anticipated modest exchange cost.

DIVA is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 symbolic that manages stage utilization. DIVA tokens will be utilized to move cash between online media firms and clients immediately. Aside from exchanges, DIVA tokens will allow gatherings to trade fiat cash for DIVAs. DIVAs will likewise be utilized to remunerate decentralized hubs that approve exchanges on the organization. Since DIVAs are ERC-20 tokens, they will work flawlessly with many other Ethereum-based savvy contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).

Mulierum Wallet
Mulierum Wallet is a center part of the stage. It is a powerful wallet framework that Mulierum clients can use to move assets from their online media records to different records. The wallet will have the accompanying functionalities:
• Generating new location on the Ethereum mainnet.
• Viewing DIVAs adjusts and sending exchanges too the wallets.
• Viewing exchanges and forthcoming deliveries.
• Viewing and marking stores in the organization.
• Creating installment demands and showing the masquick reaction (QR) codes

Website : https://www.mulierum.com/
Whitepaper : https://www.mulierum.com/docs/Mulierum-Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/mulierumforeveryone
Twitter : https://twitter.com/mulierumproject
Medium : https://mulierum.medium.com/
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/mulierumtechnology
YouTube : https://youtu.be/nQgJuwF-hCY


Bitcointalk Username: Yangel Herrera
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2855036
Telegram Username: https://t.me/HitoCaesar7
Wallet : 0x74AA10f0e4925233915317e81D85E6e3625926B3

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